We demand inclusion
The newsrooms of El Nuevo Herald, Miami Herald and Miami.com stand behind our colleagues who are wrongly being denied a place in our union.
We demand that McClatchy immediately inform the National Labor Relations Board that Douglas Rojas-Sosa, Leonard Pitts, Angel Doval, Flor Paz and Carl Hiaasen should be allowed to join One Herald Guild. Douglas, Leonard and Carl are not now nor have they ever been members of the Editorial Board. Flor is not a supervisor. Angel does not have access to confidential materials.
Their votes should be counted and they should be included in the union. Any attempt to exclude them is meant to weaken the power of our union.
Sarah Blaskey
Adriana Brasileiro
Julie Brown
Ana Claudia Chacín
Dan Chang
Anthony Chiang
Ben Conarck
Howard Cohen
Greg Cote
Antonio Delgado
Oscar Díaz
Taylor Dolven
Angel L. Doval
Jorge Ebro
Joey Flechas
Enrique Flor
Carlos Frías
Samantha Gross
Alex Harris
Carl Hiaasen
Jose Iglesias
Carl Juste
Michelle Kaufman
Mary Ellen Klas
Elizabeth Koh
Monika Leal
Aaron Leibowitz
Roberto Laurencio
Monique O. Madan
Ed McDonald
Jordan McPherson
Emily Michot
Forrest Milburn
Susan Miller Degnan
Sarah Moreno
David J. Neal
Nicholas Nehamas
Connie Ogle
Sonia Osorio
David Ovalle
Bianca Padró Ocasio
John Parkhurst
Florencia Paz
Leonard Pitts
Jorge Posada
Chuck Rabin
Linda Robertson
Rene Rodriguez
Raul Rodriguez
Daniel A. Varela
Douglas Rojas-Sosa
Fabiola Santiago
Kevin Scott
Daniel Shoer Roth
C. Isaiah Smalls II
David Smiley
Jimena Tavel
Carli Teproff
Andres Viglucci
Jay Weaver
Rob Wile
David Wilson
Colleen Wright
Jim Wyss
Carolina Zamora